Cambridge 17 Listening Test 1

Welcome to your Cambridge 17 Listening Test 2


Questions 1 – 7

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Opportunities for voluntary work in Southoe village


●   Help with 1 books (times to be arranged)

●   Help needed to keep 2 of books up to date

●   Library is in the 3 Room in the village hall

Lunch club

●   Help by providing 4

●   Help with hobbies such as 5

Help for individuals needed next week

●   Taking Mrs Carroll to 6

●   Work in the 7 at Mr Selsbury’s house

Questions 8-10

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Village social events




Help needed

19 Oct


Village hall

providing refreshments

18 Nov


Village hall

checking 9

31 Dec

New Year’s Eve party

Mountfort Hotel

designing the 10


Questions 11 – 14

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Oniton Hall

11   Many past owners made changes to

12 Sir Edward Downes built Oniton Hall because he wanted

13 Visitors can learn about the work of servants in the past from

14 What is new for children at Onion Hall?

Questions 15-20

Which activity is offered at each of the following locations on the farm?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 15-20.


A   shopping

B   watching cows being milked

C   seeing old farming equipment

  eating and drinking

E   starting a trip

F   seeing rare breeds of animals

  helping to look after animals

  using farming tools

15   dairy __ 

16 large barn __

17 small barn __

18 stables __

19 shed __

20 parkland __


Questions 21 and 22

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things do the students agree they need to include in their review of Romeo and Juliet?

Questions 23-27

Which opinion do the speakers give about each of the following aspects of The Emporium’s production of Romeo and Juliet?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 23-27


  They both expected this to be more traditional.

  They both thought this was original.

C   They agree this created the right atmosphere.

D   They agree this was a major strength.

E   They were both disappointed by this.

F   They disagree about why this was an issue.

G   They disagree about how this could be improved.

23   the set __

24 the lighting __

25 the costume design __

26 the music __

27 the actors’ delivery __

Questions 28-30

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

28   The students think the story of Romeo and Juliet is still relevant for young people today because

29 The students found watching Romeo and Juliet in another language

30 Why do the students think Shakespeare’s plays have such international appeal?

Questions 31 – 40


Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

The impact of digital technology on the Icelandic language

The Icelandic language

●   has approximately 31 speakers

●   has a 32 that is still growing

●   has not changed a lot over the last thousand years

●   has its own words for computer-based concepts, such as web browser and 33

Young speakers

●   are big users of digital technology, such as 34

●   are becoming 35 very quickly

●   are having discussions using only English while they are in the 36 at school

●   are better able to identify the content of a 37 in English than Icelandic

Technology and internet companies

●   write very little in Icelandic because of the small number of speakers and because of how complicated its 38 is

The Icelandic government

●   has set up a fund to support the production of more digital content in the language

●   believes that Icelandic has a secure future

●   is worried that young Icelanders may lose their 39 as Icelanders

●   is worried about the consequences of children not being 40 in either Icelandic or English

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