Cambridge 19 General Reading Test 3

Welcome to your Cambridge 19 General Reading Test 3

SECTION 1 Questions 1–8

Look at the five film reviews, A–E.

For which film review are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter, A–E, in boxes 1–8 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1 The reviewer thinks some of the cast are unsuitable for their roles.
2 The dialogue in this film seems unrealistic.
3 The reviewer found this film unexpectedly emotional.
4 This film contains dialogue that is uninteresting for some viewers.
5 This film carries a moral message.
6 Non-actors take part in this film.
7 The reviewer thinks this film should be seen again.
8 This film mentions things that audience members won’t know about.

Questions 9–14

Look at the four advertisements for sports events, A–D.

For which event are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter, A–D, in boxes 9–14 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

9 You see spectacular scenery.
10 You are provided with special clothing.
11 You may be watched while you are doing the activity.
12 You watch someone else before doing the activity yourself.
13 You meet people who are expert at the activity.
14 You can raise money for a charity.

Questions 15–21

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15–21 on your answer sheet.

Dealing with redundancy

Initial steps

Start by considering what needs to be done and make a 15 to work through.

Get the company’s policy concerning laying off staff and check personal work-related documents.

Dealing with the company

Avoid letting the management see you are annoyed because:

  • you want to receive a positive 16 from them for a future post.
  • you might get some 17 projects from them in the future.

Moving on

Find an organisation that specialises in 18 to help you look for another job.

Invest time in doing serious 19 concerning the current requirements in your sector.

Consider if your work and training records contain 20 that might prevent you finding work.

Sign up for any relevant courses to improve your chances of being selected for a new post.


Look on redundancy as a useful 21 to advance, rather than the end of your career.

Questions 22–27

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 22–27 on your answer sheet.

22 New staff must record their own body before arriving at work.

23 You should use your to ensure that your uniform is never dirty.

24 Clothes worn to travel to work must be .

25 Casual wear, such as , should not be worn in the kitchen area.

26 Staff using may still come to work.

27 Please contact the manager before arriving at the kitchens if you have any or other similar injuries.

Questions 28–32

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 28–32 on your answer sheet.

28 In Paragraph A, what does the writer say about the archaeology team’s work?

29 What point does the writer make about dental tartar in Paragraph C?

30 What did the skeleton of B78 suggest about her?

31 What is the writer doing in Paragraph F?

32 What problem does the writer highlight about medieval artists in Paragraph G?

Questions 33–36

The text has seven paragraphs, A–G.

Which paragraph mentions the following?

Write the correct letter, A–G, in boxes 33–36 on your answer sheet.

33 reference to the possible length of time that tartar can preserve particles from the air
34 two reasons why the particles that the team found in teeth were unique
35 various examples of the types of particle that can be discovered in old teeth
36 a suggestion that the blue pigment might have been used in medieval times to cure illness

Questions 37–40

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 37–40 on your answer sheet.

Lapis lazuli

A blue pigment used to create artworks in Europe in the Middle Ages was derived from a stone called lapis lazuli. In medieval times, even 37 was not as valuable. Lapis lazuli could only be found in Afghanistan and a lot of 38 was needed to make the pigment from the stone.
The procedure used to do this appeared much later in the manuals used by European artists and this suggests that the product came to their countries as an imported powder. Artists often had to make a 39 on their brushes using their mouths, which then enabled them to produce the fine features needed for 40 and books.

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