i really didn’t enjoy it. because i had to scroll several times to check the answer, it was annoying. but part 1 and 2 was great though little bit harder than 3
Last edited 2 months ago by jubayer khan
8 months ago
I think you should check the 10th question. Probably, correct answer is E. Thank You!
11 months ago
I think you should check the 10th question. Probably, correct answer is E. Thank You!
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i really didn’t enjoy it. because i had to scroll several times to check the answer, it was annoying. but part 1 and 2 was great though little bit harder than 3
I think you should check the 10th question. Probably, correct answer is E. Thank You!
I think you should check the 10th question. Probably, correct answer is E. Thank You!