Club: Good morning. Blackwood Members Club. Can I help you? Man: Yes. I would like to order a set of commemorative golf clubs, please. Can you deliver it to my home? Club: Yes, certainly. Just let me get the order form here and I’ll take down your information. Can I have your name, please? Man: Bill Dutton (Q1). That’s capital D-U-T-T-O-N. Club: Dutton, Bill. And your membership number? Man: That’s H844-9192 (Q2). Club: H844. Man: 9192 Club: Thank you. Now where would you like the golf clubs delivered? Man: 89 Mulberry Lane, Carpingtown. Club: And could I get your e-mail and phone numbers, please? Man: My e-mail address is [email protected] (Q3). Club: b-d-u-t-t-o-n @u-S-W-e-s-t dot n-e-t? Man: That’s correct. My office number is 415 662-4755 and you can reach me at home at 415 624-9898 (Q4). Club: 415 624-9898. Thank you.
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